All about (MOTO) Merchants and Internet (Card not Present) Merchant Accounts

(Moto) Mail Order/Telephone Order Merchant – In the realm of credit card processing is defined as a merchant who manually keys in over 50% of their transactions and an Internet Merchant is one who accepts transactions over the Internet via an E-Commerce store with an online gateway or who submits transactions manually through a Virtual Terminal.

Qualified Transaction Conditions (For MOTO/Internet merchants the Mid-Qualified Rate is essentially the Qualified rate as these merchants never swipe a credit card through a terminal.)

One electronic authorization request is made per transaction and the transaction date is equal to the shipping date. The authorization response data must also be included in the settled transaction.

Additional data (sales tax and customer code) is required in the settled transaction on all commercial (business) cards at non-Travel & Entertainment (T&E) locations.
The authorization request message must include Address Verification Service (AVS), which verifies the street address and the zip code of the card holder. NOTE: The only way this happens is if your software is set up to do this, or, if you are using a terminal, then if you capture the AVS information at the time of keying in your transaction.
The settled transaction amount must equal the authorized amount.
The settled transaction must include the business’s customer service telephone number, order number, and total authorized amount.
The transaction is electronically deposited (batch transmitted) on or 1 day after authorization date.
The transaction/shipping date must be within 7 calendar days of authorization date.

Non-Qualified Transaction Conditions
One or more of the Qualified or Partially Qualified conditions were not met.
Commercial Card without the additional data.
The transaction was not electronically authorized or the authorization response data was not included in the settled transaction.
The transaction was electronically deposited (batch transmitted) greater than 1 day from transaction/shipping/authorization date, or:
The VISA Infinite card was accepted.
Commercial Card Additional Data


Corporate Data Rate II (Purchasing cards): Sales Tax and customer Code (supplied by cardholder at point of sale) Corporate Data Rate II (Business and Corporate cards): Sales Tax International Corporate Purchasing Data Rate II: Sales Tax and Customer Code (supplied by cardholder at point of sale)

The following information must also be provided: Merchant’s Federal Tax ID; Merchant Incorporation Status; and Owner’s full name if the merchant is a sole proprietor.


Purchasing cards: Sales Tax and Customer Code (supplied by cardholder at point of sale) Corporate and Business cards: Sales Tax

October 11th, 2013 by