Currency Conversion


Multi Currency Conversion (MCC):

In addition to 100+ supported currencies and all transactions autosettle at 6pm (eastern) daily.

Customer is unaware of the converted currency, also customer may not opt-out at the point of sale.

Conversion occurs between the point of sale and settlement.

E-commerce only and no merchant rebate.

Price listed in customer’s currency conversion also Supported by Internet Secure or direct certification.


Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC):                                           Customer is aware of the Conversion Currency, also customer may opt-out at the point of sale.

Conversion occurs at the point of sale and five supported currencies less than MCC.

Merchants may choose settlement method and time in addition to merchant rebate up to 100bp.

Price listed in merchant’s currency conversion.

For Retail, Restaurant, MOTO and E-commerce.

Supported by terminals, via Warp and Virtual Merchant.



August 11th, 2016 by